Thursday, 22 February 2007

Modifications to our final Idea

After taking all the criticisms into account we decided to add and remove a few functionalities to our idea. This was all discussed in our team meeting yesterday.

We have decided to present our idea in a diagram so it is easier to digest.

Summary of key features
  • The recommendations device can be used to scan products and return a list of recommendations and recipes depending on user preferences and medical conditions.
  • The device can also be used to search for products and the device will act like a 'Satnav' and guide the user around the store to these products in the most efficient way.
  • The trolley will be very light because it will electrically powered making it easy to push
  • A store card with personal details, bank details, medical conditions will be swiped into the device.
  • The device will be linked to an online server which will carry out the transaction as the user drops the products into the trolley

1 comment:

Bobski said...

Jat, really nice presentation on the diagram, beats my paint pictures.

You said that we can detatch the device off the trolley, why is that?

Is that so security can store them in a safe place at the end of the day, or these devices purchasable by the consumer, so they take them to and from the shopping centre?

I personally think they should stay in the shopping centre, and be detached from the trolley at the end of their use.

But then i think, where do supermarkets put their trolleys at the end of the day...if outside then we definatley need to take the devices off and store them, but that will mean more work for employees attaching them on in the morning, so not that productive.

Giving users an option to purchase the devices could work, but might be expensive...better option for supermarket to provide them, therefore increase customer intake in stores by providing an easier and more efficient service.

Safer option too for old people, as carrying an expensive item can make old people more vulnerable to idiots considering to take the law in their own hands.